Ascend Appraisers

A professional women’s network.

Step into a world of empowerment and camaraderie

Emily Braman, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS created Ascend Appraisers to be a retreat from the typical way of doing things in the historically male dominated appraisal profession.

Ascend Appraisers is space for women in the appraisal industry to connect, grow, and ascend to new heights in their personal and professional lives.

Summer Roundtables

Ascend Members, join Emily for TWO three-part
roundtable groups happening this summer.

The Residential Upgrade
Step away from the form and transform your residential appraisal practice

Rewriting Your Money Story
Define your dreams, set your goals, and map a plan to accomplish them

Founding Members

These are the women that believed in Ascend Appraisers from the very start, joining us for the unforgettable Founder’s Retreat in May of 2023.

"The Founder's Retreat in Miami was a great time with a great, diverse group of women! It was so well organized, and I felt very well cared for through the entire experience. Many thanks to Emily for being the visionary behind Ascend." 

- Nancy Myers, MAI from Chicago

Apprais-Her Braintrust calls and our private LinkedIn Network are FREE for all women in the appraisal industry. Sign up to get access!

Ascend Appraisers!

Elevate your professional connections and experience the thriving Ascend Appraisers community at our next Appraiser-Her Braintrust.

The virtual Appraiser-Her Braintrust call happens on the first Friday of every month at 3:30 PM ET.

RSVP to get access to the event AND secure an invitation to the private Ascend Appraisers Networking Group on LinkedIn.

“I was so excited when Emily first shared her vision for Ascend Appraisers with me. I knew it would facilitate deeper connections beyond the typical 5-10 minutes at networking events. I hoped to meet peers and mentors I could strategize with as well as glean from. Ascend Appraisers has exceeded my expectations, especially as it continues to grow and expand. It is a mastermind of female appraisers. ”

- Akia Smith, MAI

“Emily led us through a residential masterclass at the Ascend retreat in Clearwater where we explored multiple opportunities for more complex appraisal work. She walked us through her Residential Template and we discussed upgrading our client base. The next week I got a bid for the city which was eight residential appraisals, perfect for the template. This week I just bid and got an $8,000-$10,000 job with multiple values, easements, and other complexities.

There is no way I could have confidently bid and gotten this job without Emily’s Residential Template. The form just wouldn’t work in this situation. I'm happy to say the client is excited to get started on the project. The knowledge and support from Emily has boosted my confidence and the quality and flexibility of the product I am able to offer clients. I highly recommend it! ”

- Jennifer O’Neill, SRA

We bring women in the appraisal profession together





Ascend Appraisers is a community built just for you.
Are you in?