Membership Community

A community built just for you!

Dive into a wealth of resources and opportunities for connection inside the Ascend Appraisers Membership Community. Now is time for women in the appraisal profession to connect, grow, and ascend, together.

Become an
Ascend Member

Our collective experiences, whether by the beach, poolside, at memorable dinners and virtual gatherings are not only strengthening professional ties but also forged meaningful relationships for women in the appraisal profession.

  • Find your people and build your network.

    Share ideas, learn, and workshop topics and problems together.

    Build a safe, inclusive, and fun space for women in the appraisal profession.

    Interact daily with the most diverse group of appraisers you have ever encountered.

  • Support each other and bring other women into the community.

    Cultivate courage and confidence.

    Establish best practices and progressive business models.

    Build mentor/mentee relationships within the network.

    Learn from DEI experts.

  • Cultivate lasting and meaningful relationships with other women appraisers.

    Improve and modernize both the appraisal profession and our personal lives.

    Create and support DEI initiatives.

    Create a pipeline for women to enter the appraisal business.

Summer Roundtables

The Residential Upgrade:
Step away from the form and transform your residential appraisal practice

Ascend Members, join Emily for TWO three-part roundtable groups happening this summer.

Rewriting Your Money Story:
Define your dreams, set your goals, and map a plan to accomplish them

Ascend Appraisers!

Elevate your professional connections and experience the thriving Ascend Appraisers community at our next Appraiser-Her Braintrust.

The virtual Appraiser-Her Braintrust call happens on the first Friday of every month at 3:30 PM ET.

RSVP to get access to the event AND secure an invitation to the private Ascend Appraisers Networking Group on LinkedIn.

Upcoming Free Virtual Events

  • Apprais-Her Braintrust

    First Friday of the Month at 3:30 PM ET

    A space where women in the appraisal profession can connect. Join us to dive into complex problems, gain insight from experts in the group, and propel your prosperity in the appraisal industry! Free to all women in the industry. Sign up Required.

Our Summer 2024 book is…

Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want

"Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want" by Kate Northrup is a transformative guide that blends personal finance with self-love and personal growth. Drawing from her own financial journey, Northrup offers practical advice and soulful insights to help readers heal their relationship with money. The book encourages readers to explore their financial habits, identify emotional connections to money, and develop a healthier, more fulfilling approach to managing finances. Through engaging exercises and thought-provoking reflections, Northrup empowers individuals to achieve financial freedom and create the life they truly desire.

The book will be discussed throughout the summer in our Rewriting Your Money Story roundtable meetings.

Founding Members

In May 2023, Ascend Appraisers gathered for the first time ever in Miami, Florida for the Founder’s Retreat!